Vertical Gardens
The only way is up!
Beautiful breathable walls
Perfect for dividing large spaces, creating a dramatic feature wall and providing a beautiful backdrop – all while cleaning the air – vertical gardens display plants in freestanding vertical and horizontal grids.
Not only do they look stunning and help purify the air, vertical gardens are also highly practical as they can provide privacy, separate open plan spaces into different zones, help absorb noise and improve acoustics.
Vertical gardens can also contribute to your Green Star ratings for Green Building Projects. Following criteria set by the Green Building Council of Australia, Indoor plants can add up to two credit points towards the Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ-15). Learn more about our Green Star Design services.
A spectacular yet cost-effective alternative to solid walls or partitions, vertical gardens continue to gain in popularity for modern sustainable office interior design.
Vertical gardens can also contribute to your Green Star ratings for Green Building Projects. Following criteria set by the Green Building Council of Australia, Indoor plants can add up to two credit points towards the Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ-15). Learn more about our Green Star Design services.
A spectacular yet cost-effective alternative to solid walls or partitions, vertical gardens continue to gain in popularity for modern sustainable office interior design.